Friday, November 8, 2013

Scandal - Icarus

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So this episode started off with a flashback of the day Olivia saw her mother for the last time, which means that they are diving right into the whole Fitz killed her mother thing. So let's get into it.
After Jake and Huck (Juck? Jack? Are we shipping them?) told her everything they knew, Olivia decided to get some answers of her own by heading straight to the white house to ask Fitz. When Mellie finds this out she gets all excited because she thinks this is Liv coming to say that she's going to work as their campaign manager again, but she's wrong. When Liv asks Fitz about Operation Remington he tells her he has no idea what she's talking about and she says she's not going to work for him and goes back to the office to start working for Josie. She then tells Jake to keep digging up dirt about Remington because she's not totally convinced that what he said happened actually happened. Sticking with the campaign, for now, Liv and Abby go off to help Josie get some rich supporters so she can get some money. At first they fail but then Olivia decides that Josie needs to do an interview. Before the interview they show her a Reston attack ad (a fake one) and this gets her all angry and she goes off; calling Reston a sexist and everything. I loved it! I would vote for her just from that rant. But, her sister/daughter didn't like it so much. She wanted to stop it halfway through but Abby and Liv wouldn't let that happen. In the end, Josie got the support, and money, she needed, but her sister/daughter still has a problem with OPA. I only see bad things coming from this. She'll probably try and ruin the whole thing and Olivia will end up not working for her anymore. 
Sally is also working on her campaign strategy and she's keeping it all on the down low. Her campaign manager comes up with this grand idea, and Sally and her husband end up having dinner with Fitz and Mellie where Sally's husband gets all flirty with Mellie. Cyrus, finally, finds out that Sally plans on running against Fitz. I'm so glad this happened because I was beginning to wonder how in the world they weren't able to figure this whole thing out. But he found out and he goes running to Mellie about it and they decide to use Sally's husband against her. And that's it with all the campaign stuff in this episode. 
Back to Operation Remington. Jake is sneaking around trying to come up with more information and meets with some random woman he knows, because she has clearances to information he needs. It looked like we were going to get some more answers but Fitz had to tell Cyrus that Olivia knows about Remington and then Cryus had to go tell Poppa Pope and that means bye bye Jake. So Jake goes to meet this girl again and there's this man following him who ends up killing the girl! This turns out to be a good thing because the girl was just going to kill Jake. So, if this girl was going to kill Jake that must mean that she works for Rowan! How many people does he control?! As for the man that was following Jake, he was working for Fitz and Jake goes to the white house to question him. Fitz still uses the line of not knowing anything and that's it.  
Then we see Olivia, mostly likely drunk, watching the old news footage of the plane crash which leads us in to another flashback of her father watching the same footage. Flashback Rowan looked completely ridiculous. He didn't look like Byron (my A Different World friends would get this) and I'm pretty sure that mustache had everything to do with it. But anyways back to present time, Olivia calls her dad in search of answers and he only allows her to ask one question. She asks if he ordered that plane to get hit and he says no. I think he's a liar. I don't believe anything he says and Olivia shouldn't either. He lied to her once before who's to say he wouldn't do it again?! And did anyone else notice that he never answered the question of whether he loved Mamma Pope?
In the end Fitz shows up at Olivia's house trying to get her back (just begging) and she won't let it happen. She finally tells him that her mother was on that plane and it's a huge 'oh crap' to him and then she kicks him out and when he leaves he looks like he's going got break down and cry. He obviously didn't know and now he's probably lost her for good. After this all I could think of is why. Why in the world was that plane shot down? There has to be a reason, like someone was on that plane that had to die and that was the only way they could do it. There is no way someone would order a plane to get shot down for no reason. Unless the wrong plane got shot down and that's why they went through such great lengths to cover it up. My only other theory is that Mamma Pope found out Rowan was command, as going to tell Olivia about it and this was the only way he could stop her. She's probably alive an well in an underground bunker somewhere.
Two other little, but big, things happened as well. Something is going on with Harrison. For some reason it's not in Rowan's big plan that Olivia work for Josie. So he goes to Cyrus to handle this. Cyrus goes to Harrison and threatens him to get him to change Olivia's mind. He uses some criminal who trying to get back in the US as bait. I don't know who this guy is or what he did but if he's in the US Harrison is dead for sure, and I know we all don't want that to happen. So Harrison is doing anything he can to stop it. Hopefully they'll give us some flashbacks into this because I'm lost. I wonder if Olivia knows about it?
Also Quinn has gone gun crazy and is practicing at a gun range but she stinks. Of all people, Charlie shows up to give her some pointers and she ends up going back for more help. This isn't good because Charlie works for Rowan and this is all part of a big secret plan. My guess is that Rowan wants Quinn in B613 which is bad news. I would like to know how all these people haven't slapped Quinn yet?! First off, she's super nosey and she keeps making all these crazy comments like mentioning Liv's affair and calling Huck messed up. I mean, these must have a great deal of self-control with her. If it were me, she'd be quiet in a corner thinking about her actions.
So all that stuff happened in this episode and we still don't know if Fitz really killed Liv's mom or not. I'm pretty sure this was just the very tip of the iceberg that we are all about to crash in to like the Titanic, which means we'll probably drown in craziness. 

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