Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Switched at Birth - Player's Choice

This was not a good episode for people in relationships.
First Toby, poor poor Toby. He wanted to move in with Lily but they were just on 2 different pages. Will he ever find someone that will give just as much as he does?!

Travis and Mary Beth! This was so sad because they were the perfect couple of the show (Sorry Bemmett fans). They were the couple that was happy and didn't have many problems. But when they did have problems, they worked them out and it wasn't bad. Now they've broken up and I don't know how to feel. Travis doesn't seem to be having the best of luck these days and I hope things change for him.

Bemmett is still on a break or whatever, and had a really awkward accidental conversation. Mary Beth had a point, Bay should be fighting for her relationship with Emmett and I'm glad she finally decided that she's going to LA, but things don't look good for the future. In that preview for the finale it doesn't look like things are going to turn out the way she wants them to.

Daphne had some trouble "finding her people" this week. She rushed for a sorority which was weird to me. She just didn't seem like the type of person that would be in to that. I mean she said it herself in the episode, but did it anyway. I felt bad that she didn't get a bid and totally understand why she was so upset about it even though she didn't want to do it. Everyone wants to find a group that they belong to, where they fit in. Daphne just had to learn that those people were there all along.

Overall this was an okay episode. I really liked that ukulele circle and I'm going to need more songs from Kathryn's musical. They are just setting us up for the finale and I can't believe that the finale is next week! It came too fast! That promo though! Regina tells Eric she loves him, oh my gosh!! Daphne says something about failing! And, Bemmett may actually be done, but who really knows! I guess we'll just have to wait and see. All I know is that this will probably be the worst cliffhanger this show has ever given us!

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