Friday, February 20, 2015

Scandal - No More Blood

There were some shocking moments in last night's episode, but there were some not so shocking moments, too.

Some little things
I wasn't shocked that Cyrus was about to kill Liv. I mean, this is the guy who was going to kill his own husband. He tried to kill everybody! Cyrus will do whatever he can to protect the republic, it's no surprise that he would do the same thing in this situation.
I also wasn't shocked when Rowan said he didn't have a daughter. He was barely a father to her so why would he see their kinship as a reason to save her. Plus, she shot him. Sure there weren't any bullets in the gun but she still tried.
Huck done messed Andrew up! I wonder who's going to be the VP now.
I am loving Mellie and Liz's relationship. I can just see these 2 campaigning to get Mellie in the white house and it being glorious!
Abby is winning! Like she said "once a gladiator, always a gladiator."

Liv is safe!
The one thing that did shock me was when it was revealed that Stephen (from S1) was the one that saved Olivia. I mean, that was the best part for me. I did not see that coming at all. I was still banking on it being Hollis Doyle. But this was fantastic and I'm so happy that we got to see him and that wonderful beard, and get some closure.

Yes, I'm going to talk about Olitz because everyone's talking about them and I have a few things to say.
I am not the slightest bit pressed that they "broke up", but I know some people are, especially when she threw the ring at him. Here's the thing, she's got PTSD. She can't even have a glass of water without having flashbacks, so why would she want to put that ring back on. It would just be a daily reminder of all that's happened and that it all happened because of him. If she wasn't his everything then she wouldn't have gotten taking in the first place. I seriously feel like he can't do anything without her and that's a problem.
That argument that they had; typical Olitz argument. She's with him because she has to be, for his sake. I mean, I'm pretty sure deep down there's some love in that relationship, but now it's warped. Now she does what she has to do so he can "be the best", like she said. This is exactly why I don't know what will happen when he's not president and can divorce Mellie. Right now, I question what their relationship is if he's not president. If they have any chance of being together forever, they're going to have to figure that out.

Overall, I like this episode. I literally on the edge of my seat the entire time and I loved it. Liv has changed and I'm anxious to see how much of an affect this has on her. She's going to try to get back to her normal but things will be different.

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