Friday, February 13, 2015

Scandal - Gladiators Don't Run

Scandal has really gotten itself back around to that intense, edge of your seat show I know I fell in love with. I've been saying all season that it's back to what it used to be and from he looks of this episode, it looks like it will only be getting better! I want to mention a few things before I throw out some theories on who got Olivia. 

I knew this girl would lose it when she find out. I still can't believe it took this long for someone to tell her. I don't care if she works in the white house and can't be trusted, someone should have called her or something! I mean, she had a point when she said "I don't have friends, I have Liv." Olivia is all she's got and she did deserve to know, even if it was just someone slipping her a note like Fitz did with Cyrus. 
Sidenote: are they trying to parallel Abby to Liv when she gave that homeless man a coffee? 

Mama Pope
Bringing Mama Pope in was the best thing they could have done! I seriously love every time she's on camera. We all need to be praising Khandi Alexander because she is playing the mess out of this role. She is the best and I couldn't go on without saying anything. 

She is really trying to get herself out of this and everything was looking up until Gus happened. It really took a turn for the worst when he killed Ian. Liv still tried to be strong and get in the heads of his techies but that failed! I wasn't expecting that. I thought they were going to kill Gus, but no. And he sold her to God knows who. Notice how we never found out how much they paid for her. 

White House
Fitz got his presidential size balls back because he's signing executive orders, firing all his security, and forcing Andrew to resign. I love it! It's about time he took matters into his own hands. And this new relationship/partnership or whatever this is between Fitz and Mellie is great. Also, I knew in season one that Mellie wanted to be POTUS one day and now she's finally said it out loud. 
That speech that Fitz gave in the end and that music that playing, can we say tears. I mean that's exactly what we needed to give us hope. Bravo to the writers and whoever wrote the music. 

Who got Liv
Here are my theories and some I've heard others share that worth noting.
  • Rowan
    • I think it could be him but that might be too easy. There's no way he knows nothing about all this. 
  • Hollis Doyle
    • This was my second guess. Why wouldn't he want control of the white house. I think it would pretty hilarious if it's him.
  • Verna, Adnan, Harrison
    • Now these are the theories of others that find worth sharing. I know they all died on the show and I know Verna and Harrison are dead dead, but I don't know about Adnan. It could end up being her because of her connections with Harrison and Mama Pope. 
Any other ideas on who it could be? 

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