Friday, January 30, 2015

Scandal - Run

For the first time in Scandal reviewing history I didn't find it necessary, nor did I want to rewatch an episode. I mean, it was amazing, but I felt like I was watching a horror movie which was actually kinda cool.
Olivia got kidnapped and we had to watch her fight for her life and that was it. I don't feel like I missed anything important to make myself watch it again. I do want to talk about a few things that happened, though.

The Kidnapping
I really loved the way this scene was shot with all the different vantage points and everything. And I loved the fact that they went back and showed everything from Olivia's perspective. It was great but also traumatizing because we had to watch the same thing over and over.

That Dream Sequence
Can we talk about how we got a little taste of what would happen if Vermont happened. Okay, first off I thought that Liv was waking up on that island with Jake and that would've made me upset, but no. It was a dream within a dream. Back to "what if Vermont," it didn't feel right to me. I know I'm going to make a lot of Vermont lovers upset but I just can't see Olivia spending her time picking fruit with her dog and making jam while Fitz is off being governor of Vermont! We always see her trying to fix someone or something. I mean, she was trying to fix Ian in their holding cell! I just can't imagine her not fixing anything. Would she really choose this life or is it something that Fitz chose for them.
Oh and Abby asking questions that plenty of people have asked in the past. Like, where would Fitz's kids be if he left Mellie, and there would be so much press all over the place because he's governor and because he was president! Abby asking if she loves wither of the dudes got me thinking. Olivia probably thinks about that all the time. Does she really know if she loves either of them? I wonder if this isn't the first time she's had this dream.
Kudos to Liv's dream self being super smart and cluing her in on the weapon in the bathroom. I'd like to thank Shonda Rhimes for showing us that under wire is useful. I'd also like to thank the props department for that "White Hat Jam" made in Hope, Vermont. Just brilliant.

The Ending/Next Week
First off, I didn't even have a chance to think if Ian was bad or not because the second he was on the screen everyone was talking about how he couldn't be trusted. I did think that if he was bad, he would be the kidnapper. One question though; why didn't Ian already know about Olitz? He said he did what he did to get the information he needed which was that Fitz loved her and would come looking for her. If it was Andrew and them that kidnapped her, wouldn't they have already known about Olitz. Why would they do all of this off of a hunch? And what if she didn't say anything? What would they have done? Would they just torture her more? I can't believe they would have the balls to do this, unless this isn't Andrew and them. But I think it is because of that ransom video we got a glimpse of in the promo for next week. Also, everyone is got to now about Olitz now which makes me wonder how they are going to get out of all this!
This episode was on point and I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has for us.

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