Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Switched at Birth - And It Cannot Be Changed

Switched at Birth is back and it was everything I ever wanted it to be.
There is a part of me that feels bad for her. She has to go through all this and she didn't even do anything. Plus, Daphne is all up in her face trying to make up for it, but it's just not working. There is also another, bigger part of me that just wants to yell at Bay "YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF!" She decided to take the fall for Daphne, but she didn't have to do it. She really wasn't thinking about herself when she did it which is really selfless, but now she's thinking of herself. And I'm pretty sure she's mad at herself for taking the fall and just directing all of her energy on Daphne because she's around.
And while we're on the topic of anger towards Daphne, how about that scene with her and Toby?! First the cold shoulder, then he just let her have it. Oh and I can't forget about what Emmett said to her. People have lost all chill and I love it. I'd rather have them telling Daphne how they feel now, then to walk around like nothing is wrong and then letting her have it.
I really can't wait to see what Bay does once she's off house arrest, especially now that she has 100 extra days of probation. I wonder if her and Emmett will still be together at that point. Hate to burst any Bemmett fan's bubble but long distance relationships are hard. We'll see if they get through it or not.

Now let's talk about Daphne. I figured that she wasn't ready to go away for school when she was at UMKC (That's what the school is called, right?) I mean, did anyone expect her to leave? And it looks like she's not going to have an easy time at UMKC with that Chemistry professor. She also might have a hard time with her new interpreter, Josh. But what I want to know is why he is so strongly against that professor. I mean, what awful thing did she do to him to make him hate her so much?!
I am a little worried about how Daphne is going take all this truth. My fear is that she's going to spin out of control again like she did when Angelo died. My hope is that she realizes how much she hurt everyone and makes a sincere apology. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I'm really excited about this season. I feel like this show has really stepped their game up and I don't see any slowing down. Let me know what you guys thought of the episode and what you think will happen this season.

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