Friday, October 24, 2014

Scandal - The Key

I have to be honest and say that this episode didn't really kick off until halfway through and I only want to talk about a few things.

Cyrus speaks the truth
Cyrus gave Olivia a taste of the truth about Jake this week and it's about time someone did. For some reason they want us to think that Jake is not really all that bad because he's not really guilty of killing Jerry and Harrison, but he is. He still killed people (James) and isn't the greatest person. Thank you Cyrus for reminding us of that.
Also I don't think Olivia realizes how she made everyone she feel when she went off with Jake. Sure it made her feel good about leaving, but did she ever stop to think about how it would make all of the people she left feel? Not only about her leaving but her leaving with Jake, the man who killed her friend's husband. Now everyone's pissed at her and she doesn't get it. Well that's why.

Mellie and Fitz
Oh my goodness that last scene with them was amazing. Drunk Mellie made a big time appearance and brought it! Now about what she said about Jerry's death being meaningful; I kind of understand why she said it. It took me a minute to realize it but I think all she wanted was a reason for Jerry's death other than some random sickness. Now all that other stuff like her saying he "died for their sins" was a little coo coo for cocoa puffs and I totally understand Fitz's reaction after she said that.
But, it looks like all of this has Mellie moving in the right direction. She took a shower so that's progress. Let's see if she'll wear more than a pj's and a robe next week.

Jake's Beatdown
So Fitz goes in to see Jake one more time and this time he wasn't playing. He beat the living daylight out of him and Jake thinks it has everything to do with Olivia. I don't think that's completely true. Sure, Fitz is pissed Liv left him to go off with Jake, but his son also died and his supposed killer is in custody and not giving a confession. I think Fitz would do whatever it takes to get a confession out him. What would you do if you were in a room with your kid's killer who wouldn't confess and was taunting you? And let's talk about Jake taunting Fitz by talking about getting busy with Olivia! I mean this dude is so annoying. I wanted to punch in the face during that. But isn't it interesting that the same thing Fitz used to get to Rowan last season was the thing Jake used to get to Fitz.

Overall, I thought this episode was okay, not as good as last week but not terrible. It just took some time for things to pop off but at least it did pop off. I'm actually really excited for next week and Abby might become my new favorite after that promo.
Now I do have an idea of where this season is headed. I think they'll find out that Jake is really innocent and he'll get out and be super annoying with the "I told you so's." Olivia will be pissed that Fitz put Jake in custody and beat the crap out of him but she'll understand why he did it. Then they'll find out that Rowan is the real mastermind and so they'll be on the war path to bring him down, again. I wouldn't be surprised if mamma Pope makes an appearance at some point because I don't believe she's dead. I would love to see a confrontation between Rowan and Olivia with real proof that he is the mastermind. That could be epic. And that's where I think they'll leave it and then it'll be the winter hiatus. What do you guys think?

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