Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Switched at Birth - Human/Need/Desire

Well, I'm glad that some juicy stuff happened in this episode, so let's get to it. 
First off, I'm so happy that Daphne finally told someone about getting attacked. That bruise she got was looking real bad. I don't understand why she would ever try to go back to that place so soon but at least it made her tell someone. I feel bad for Daphne. She's really going through some serious stuff. I mean, it seems like she's really starting to hate being deaf especially now that she's been discriminated against and was targeted. It's tough and I hope she gets through it. 
So Bay decides to have this anti-valentine's day party at, of all places, Angelo's apartment. I think she was trying to use it as a way for her to get closer to Noah who was acting really weird. She basically gave him a bunch of opportunities to ask her out but he didn't take them. I'm actually happy about that because Noah turned out to be a real jerk. Angelo should have kicked him out for starting that fight with Travis. Oh, and of course he gets with Bay right after that. The very moment when I don't want them together and they get together. I don't know how everyone will take this after the fight. This will be very interesting to see. 
Another shocking thing that happened was when Toby and Nikki broke up!! I was just saying that they were so cute and the perfect couple and then she just break up with him! I mean, Toby a little ashamed of her being a Christian but did she really expect him to change that fast. I feel bad for Toby, too, because he's such a nice person and she goes and break his heart. 
And John does something, again, to make me not like him even more. How dare he go and sell Daphne's truck!! That was not cool. I agreed with Kathryn and Regina on that one. But he did do a good thing by getting it back, but that still doesn't make me like him any more then I already do. 
Oh and Angelo better think long and hard before he agrees to give up his parental rights. He already skipped out on 1 (or 2) child and I'm sure he doesn't want to do the same thing with another one. 
2 more random things: Natalie a lesbian ... didn't see that coming. And Not one mention of Regina and her recent drinking ... very interesting. 

Well, they did a good job with this episode and it looks like it only gets better from here. This is why I love this show!

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