Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscars 2013

The Oscars were last night and boy was it an interesting show! Let me start with the host. 
Seth MacFarlane did an okay job. His jokes got better as the night went on but overall, they just weren't that  great, to me. His opening was too long and not that funny. After a while I just wanted them to get on with it and start announcing winners. He should have sung his entire opening because he's not a bad singer and I enjoyed his singing a lot more than his joke telling. 
The performances and tributes were great. I'm not much of a Bond fan but I did like the tribute to James Bond movies. My favorite was the tribute to movie musicals. All three performances were great. I mean, they chose musicals that I actually like (Chicago, Dreamgirls, and Les Mis) so, of course, I was happy. Oh, yes, and Adele. Adele is always great so I was not surprised when she gave another amazing performance. 
Now on to the winners. Some of them were predictable and some were not. I wasn't shocked when 'Life of Pi' won for it's visual effects, when Les Mis won for sound (duh!), and when Anne Hathaway won for Best Supporting Actress. Those were predictable so let's move on to the shocking stuff. First off, I was very shocked when Jennifer Lawrence won for Best Actress. Don't get me wrong, she totally deserved it; I just didn't see it coming. I was rooting for her so I'm glad she won. Also, 'Argo' won for best picture! I really wasn't expecting that. I didn't know what would win for that but 'Argo' was not my first choice. I was expecting 'Zero Dark Thirty', 'Lincoln', or even 'Amour', but not 'Argo'. Oh, and Django Unchained won for Best Original Screenplay! Didn't expect that, but it was a great movie so they deserved it. 
Overall, I didn't really have much of a problem with the Oscars this year. The only thing was that the host could have been better. I think the music really saved the show. They really should consider having more music and less jokes, unless they get a really good host. I can't end without saying that Adele is amazing; she wins Grammy's and Oscars. And, Michelle Obama is the coolest first lady ever. First she was doing the "Evolution of Mom Dancing" on Jimmy Fallon and now she's presenting Oscars and looking flawless while doing it, too. She's great and that was a great way to end a super long show. 

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