Saturday, October 29, 2011

Love and Other Drugs

This was not what I expected. I just watched this with my roommate and we almost turned it off in the first five minutes!! Luckily I convinced her to keep watching at least for a half an hour.
Now this movie is rated r for a reason. WARNING: There is a lot of nudity and sex in this movie. If you are easy to blush than you probably shouldn't watch this. And you really shouldn't watch this with your parents.
The story was really good though. This was a romantic comedy and it strayed a little bit away from the template "rom coms" usually follow. Usually the couple ends up separating and then find out that they can't live without each other and they get back together. That didn't happen here. They did separate, but it was only the male that needed to realize that he couldn't be apart from her.
The movie also gives you a little look into the life of a person with Parkinson's disease, and what's it really feels like to be a doctor.
Of course the movie ended with the guy saying this really amazing speech filled with cute little quotable saying and then they lived happily ever after.
One thing I didn't like about this film (and many romantic comedies) is that we don't see the couple get married or even engaged. This makes me mad because I'm left wondering if they did get married or not. And, if they didn't get married then there's a possibility that they could break up and then the whole things would be pointless. I think that if you realize in the end that you don't want to be with anyone else but this one person then you should be getting married. That's just my opinion.
Please don't watch if you can't handle nudity and sex because this movie is filled with this stuff. But, once you get past it, it's a good film.   

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