Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: Jane the Virgin

What can I say about this premiere? It was good. I knew they were going to spend most of their time on Michael since he was shot in the finale. Going in I had a slight feeling (because of Gina Rodriguez's snapchat) that Michael would survive. I say a slight feeling because you really never know with this show. With the way the episode was going, it seemed like Michael wouldn't make it. I mean, they showed flashbacks to the beginning of their relationship and Jane envisioned their whole lives together. If this show was predictable that would've been our cue to start mourning his death. But, this show isn't predictable and Michael pulled through.
The other moments of this episode were spent on Petra and Anezka. Petra was so close to freeing herself and exposing Anezka but, no. She went back to that paralytic state.
The other big bomb drop was that Xo won't keep her baby. I almost forgot that she found out she was pregnant in the finale. She seemed so sure that the baby wasn't Rogelio's but do we really know? And I wonder how Abuela will react to this news because I think Rogelio is the only one who knows. Will Xo even tell her, or Jane? I guess we'll find that out as the season moves along.
In the final minutes of the episode we see that Sin Rostro has abducted Luisa and they're in a submarine somewhere. Who knows how Luisa will get out of this predicament this time.

One thing the show made clear was that Michael and Petra are linked. They were both in the same hospital and while Michael was in life or death surgery, Petra was also in a life or death situation. We saw that Michael pulled through, but because of that Petra is still stuck in the hospital. I wonder if things will flip on its head as time goes on. Like, will Petra get close to freeing herself thus causing something horrible to happen to Michael, again? I am going to remember this because I have a feeling it'll come back later down the road. I just know that whatever happens it won't be anything short of crazy.
What did you guys think of the premiere? Got any predictions for the season?

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