Wednesday, October 5, 2016

2016 Fall Premiere: The Flash

I want to warn you. This will be full of spoilers and probably a little confusing at times. But that's what happens when you have a show with multiple timelines and universes. So if you haven't watched, get on that immediately!

So, flashpoint. Barry changes the timeline once again, as if he's learned nothing before, and stops the Reverse Flash from killing his mother. Obviously there are some changes and they're not all good. I mean, Joe is a drunk bum who doesn't have a great relationship with his kids. Really, the only good things we got to see were Barry's parents alive, Wally as Kid Flash and Cisco finally being rich. From what I heard during the hiatus they weren't staying in this timeline as long as I originally predicted. They wasted no time and got out of there in one episode. I prefer it that way because I think I would have gotten antsy if they dragged it out longer. So in the end Barry, with the help of the Reverse Flash, restores ... no, I can't even say it that. They created another timeline where Barry's parents are dead, but things aren't exactly back to normal. I mean, we all thought that Barry would return back to that moment on the porch with Iris, but no. Joe and Iris still don't have a great relationship so she wasn't there and that hurts my heart. (For like 3 seconds I thought they were going to say that Iris was dead and my heart jumped.)

This premiere was insane, but we got through it and came out probably more scarred than we were before! I have a bunch of questions now. Reverse Flash is still alive and in Eobard Thawne's body, not Harrison Wells'. Does that mean the Wells of this Earth is alive and well and not evil somewhere? Is Eddie still alive? I'm also questioning every relationship because things didn't look so great in that promo! Also, what actually happened in this timeline with Joe and Iris? Are they going to show us why they don't talk? And how much of the stuff in the old timeline that happened between Iris and Barry happened in this new timeline, if any of it happened? And lastly, how much you want to bet Barry goes back in time to stop himself from going back in time to stop the Reverse Flash from killing his mother, thus restoring the timeline we had back in season 2? (Does that make any sense?) I could go on but I'm just going to stop there and watch the season.
What did you guys think of the episode?

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