Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Little Prince (Netflix)

The Little Prince is about a girl who's mother schedules her whole life for here. The thing is that there's no place on that schedule for fun or friends. One day the girl becomes friends with an odd man that lives next door. He writes her stories about The Little Prince and his journey back to the rose he loves.

It's an animated movie, so one would obviously think that it's the typical kid movie that has a good message for kids and adults can get some things out of it, too. I don't think that's completely true for this movie. I think it's more for adults, but all age groups can enjoy it. I think the moral of the story is to never lose your childlike spirit.
As adults we often long for the days when we were younger and no bills or any worries. We wish we could go back to "simpler times." Basically there are times when we act like being an adult is the worse thing in the world and the only way we can be happy is if we go back to our childhood. But that just isn't true.
There's nothing wrong with grown up. You grow, learn things, change, experience life. The problem is that we don't remember the things that make us happy. We focus too much on work, and paying bills and getting ahead. This movie teaches us that we have to make room for the adventure and fun of life. Like the quote in the movie says, "growing up is not the problem, forgetting is."

I obviously enjoyed it. It really pulled at my heart strings. All ages will enjoy this and I recommend you watch it. It could change the way you look at life.

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