Saturday, October 3, 2015

2015 Fall Premieres Part 2

There's really no need for me to wait until the second episode because I'm already hooked on this show! This entire show is one big mystery and I can't wait to start to solve it. My only concern is what will happen when the mystery is solved. How will they keep this show going once they figure it out? I really want this show to be on the air for a long time so I hope they figure out a way to give it some longevity.

Minority Report
So after 2 episodes I can say that I am totally here for this show. This poses a problem because once Jane the Virgin starts I'm going to have to choose which one I'll live tweet. Either way, I'll be watching both on Monday night so I'll probably just tweet them both whether it's live or not.

This will definitely be a show that I watch only because I have nothing else to watch at this time and because the show I really want to watch comes on after. I'm sorry but I couldn't even force myself to halfway pay attention and I forgot that I was live tweeting during the show. Honestly, this could've been my first new show casualty if there was something better on at this time. I'll keep watching as long as that's the case, but I'm not looking around for anything to catch up on and watch in its place.

Sleepy Hollow
Well, well, well, it looks like we might actually have our show back! By back, I mean back to the magic that was season 1 and not the confusion that was season 2. Abbie and Crane are back to being Abbie and Crane; together and the core of the show. We got a lot of Jenny being the BAMF that she is. We also got an awesome new villain, Pandora. There was humor, history, and intense action which is what I fell in love with when the pilot aired. Unfortunately, I have to keep a close eye on this show because it has a history of really strong beginnings and then spiraling downhill. (This is what happens when you have trust issues) After reading interviews from the new show runner and seeing the direction (I think) he wants it to go, I have high hopes. Just don't want them crushed. So I'll still be live tweeting every week (sorry Scandal) if you want follow along in all the craziness.

Honorable Mentions

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:  Not sure if I included this on my list of returning shows, but I decided to watch it this past Tuesday and I think I'll keep watch live from now on. I watched about half of the first season live and then binged the rest of the show on Netflix. I was just going to wait and do that again but no.
  • Grey's Anatomy: April was hilarious in her little bubble, but she and Jackson are breaking my heart. I love Bailey as chief and go Mer for getting promoted to chief of general surgery! 

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