Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015 Fall Premieres Part 1

Minority Report
I remember seeing early promos for this and thinking "this looks interesting, but I don't know." I'm happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised. This is one of those shows that wastes no time and keeps your attention from the moment it begins. I don't think I was able to look away from my screen until the commercial breaks and I loved it. I feel like this show just had a bunch of my favorite things in it. First, it's a cop drama. Second, it's set way into the future and there's all this super cool future tech. Third, they did a great job referencing things from today, like Tinder.
I know I usually give new shows 2 episodes before I render a verdict, but I wanted to give you my initial reaction because I liked it so much. I will definitely be tuning in next Monday and most likely each week.

Initial thoughts. It was like CSI Miami but less intense and more fun, but a little corny. I don't know how I feel about Morris Chestnut in a TV series. I think he might be better in movies, but we shall see. I think it has potential so I really have to see more.

This show is crazy, CRAZY! But, this isn't surprising because we all saw the first season.
Why the rally Lucious?! This man is a murderer. I would've appreciated it so much more if he was actually innocent. I did like the song that Jamal sang for it though.

Grey's Anatomy
Loved it. This show never fails to make me cry in the first few minutes and the music is always on point. I thought it was a classic episode of Grey's. Fun, intense and hits you right in the feels. I just want to mention how much I love Callie and Maggie and how Mer and her sisters are living together! Love it all.

The first thought I had after the episode was "but we've seen all this before." I even tweeted that this all happened before. Let me tell you what: Olitz having sexy times, Fitz telling Mellie he wants a divorce, Fitz reducing Mellie to nothing but a trophy wife, Liv being leaked as the president's mistress, etc etc. This all made me think that the coming episodes would be predictable. Like, Mellie's not going to sign and they'll stay married, Olitz will break up, rinse and repeat. I still feel this way but I was wrong about one thing. I thought Liv was going to break it off with Fitz on that balcony at the end, but I was wrong.
Here's what I liked. One, Sally Langston gave me life! I never thought I would say that. Two, I'm so glad that Olivia told Fitz to basically calm down because he was acting like an overexcited puppy with all that talk of getting a divorce and going public. And she was right in saying that they need to fix their ish before they do anything more. Shame they won't get the chance to because of her name and pics being leaked (probably by Elizabeth North). And Fitz will be all like "so what, who cares" and Liv will be like "OMG kill me now."

I seriously don't know what to say but WOW! I didn't see any of that coming and I am SO ready but so NOT ready for this season. I just want to talk about the ending. It looks like Annalise is dead/dying and that's what they want us to think. I mean, she's lying in a pool of her own blood gasping for air. But, to think that's her own blood and that she breathing her lasts breathes would be too obvious. She could very well be gasping in horror because whoever's blood is on the ground. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Well, that's all I have for this week. Next week I'll be giving my final  verdict on Minority Report and Rosewood, and talking about the season 3 premiere of Sleepy Hollow.
Follow me on Twitter to live tweet all the shows @KiaCherise. 

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