Monday, January 7, 2013

Django Unchained

Now I must be honest and say that I was very skeptical about this film, but once I found out more about it I really wanted to see it and finally got the chance to last night. 
Every time someone asked me what this film was about I would say it was a love story that takes place during slavery and that it was nothing like ROOTS. After seeing it I think that it is a true Western film that takes place during slavery. There are two main reasons why I loved this movie. 
The first reason is because of the way it was made. The way Tarantino put this together was brilliant to me. He really was paying homage to the Western film when he made this. The cinematography  the music, the acting all screamed Western to me. While I was watching it I felt like I back in film class watching one of those important films that help you really understand the culture. In a Western film a man fights for his woman and then they both go riding off into the sunset and that's what this movie was, basically. The only difference with this film is the way they went about doing it. I really could go on and on about all the little things but I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it so I'll just stop there. 
The second reason is the acting. Everyone in this film did an amazing job and I'll be pretty upset if there isn't a lot of Oscar nominations for them. I think they all deserve it and deserve to win. I have to give them all shout outs because they were all so great. Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson, and Christoph Waltz were all great. 
I would really like talk more about this film but I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I must address all of the criticism surround it. Let me be honest; when I first saw the trailer I thought it was a comedy. Then I was told that it was about slavery and that made me angry because I thought why would someone make a comedy about slavery and I was totally against seeing it just like all those other people. But then I started reading about the film and watching TV specials about it and those changed my opinions. After seeing the film I must say that I don't understand what the problem is. I didn't think that Tarantino was making fun of slavery or trying to show people that this is what really happened during slavery. If people think that then they really need to brush up on their history. Nowhere in the opening credits did it say that this was based on or inspired by a true story. This film is fiction, it didn't happen in real life so don't think that it did. 
I actually think that this film showed the horrors of slavery. Usually when I see slavery on the screen its mostly people getting ripped from their homes, being whipped, and being hung. There was whipping in this film but we also saw slaves being forced to fight one another, a slave getting killed by dogs, we saw people walking around with chains on their hands and feet and metal things around their neck and face and we also saw the different types of slaves. Now I'm not saying that this is more educational than a documentary but this film showed a lot. And I also wasn't offended in any way while watching this. So to all the haters: stop hating on Django. Most of them said they haven't seen the movie so why would you listen to them? In my opinion you have no right to criticize the film and make all these assumptions about it when you haven't even seen it. So don't listen to them. Go find someone who has seen it and go off of what they say or just go see it and make your own opinions. 

Overall this is a great movie and I think everyone should go see it. It is pretty long which is the one thing I didn't like but you won't want to stop watching so I guess that doesn't really matter.   

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