Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Secret Life of the American Teenager

Oh Secret Life. I don't know what to think about this show. I used to like this show, now I just don't know.
So this episode... I actually feel bad for Ashley. She has no friends and she's like the neglected middle child. I think all she wants is attention.
I thought it was hilarious how stupid Ricky was. How did not figure out his mom was a lesbian??!?!??! And because of it he didn't want to let her meet her grandson!?!?!?! That's doesn't make any sense to me. But I'm happy that he eventually let them meet...after all his lies.
Jack is really starting to get on my nerves. He just annoys me. I don't understand why he's working so hard to get these girls that don't want him.
Now on to Ben and Adrian... how in the world are they in love??? What Grace said was right; she should not be in love with someone just because he's there. It doesn't make any sense to me. And so he proposed to her AGAIN!! And she says yes?!?!?!? Really!!!!??!?!?
I don't understand these kids. Ummm, this is high school so why are you so quick to fall in love and get married when you haven't even lived in 2 decades yet??? High school is not your life. Hopefully you'll go to college and then find someone to marry, but not in high school, when you're 15/16 years old. And why are their parents letting them ruin their life????
I don't know, I don't know.
Oh and if I see one more person on this show from 7th Heaven, I'm done!!! I'll never watch again.

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