Monday, April 11, 2016

Sleepy Hollow Finale Update

First, I want to make it clear that this post will contain spoilers. So if you haven't watched the episode and don't want to be spoiled stop reading, watch it and come back. If you don't care, keep reading.
I'm going to start with the season as a whole and then move on to the finale. 

This season had it's ups and downs, but for the most part I liked it because it was an improvement from the second season. I was really excited to see the new growth in the Witnesses relationship, the mythology about them was interesting to me, and I was pleased with the new cast additions. Plus, I really loved the villain and thought that I would be a little upset to see her go. I was at a point where I was watching many of the episodes 3 times because I enjoyed them so much, especially after it came back from the mid season break. I honestly thought that the show was finally going in the direction that a mass majority of the fans (including myself) wanted it to go. I was excited about the finale, even though I didn't know how they would fit in all the loose ends they had to tie up. Which brings me to how I felt about that episode. After watching the finale I felt shocked, devastated, angry, betrayed and heart broken. It PAINS me to say these things, but I'm going to try and explain why I feel this way. 

It hurt so much that Abbie was killed off. Articles have come out saying that the actress wanted to leave the show and that is something that I 100% respect and understand. I just felt like the character didn't get the send off she deserved. First, the way they killed her off upset me. It's been Abbie's MO since season 1 to sacrifice herself for everyone else. That isn't a bad character trait. But when it becomes something that is always done and it doesn't seem like a thought in anyone's mind for the other Witness to do the same, it becomes a problem. This was the one thing that no one wanted to see her do again and it hurt to have it be her final act. 
Second, the reason for her death and the purpose of her life was ridiculous. She died because she did all that she could. Her journey was over. And what did they say her journey and purpose in life was; to help Crane move forward in life. That rubbed me the wrong way because it means that everything she went through was for nothing. And it wasn't just her, it was her whole family. Her dad left and her mom was tormented and died because of this supernatural responsibility that was placed on Abbie. She was then separated from her sister for over a decade. And her sister was tormented just like their mother. So, all of this happened to help a man move forward in his life. A life that he wasn't supposed to have because he died over 200 years before Abbie was even born! It doesn't seem worth it! All of this also erases everything that happened from the pilot to this point. It's like all of the work and the hardships were for nothing. 
I have to mention the relationship between the Witnesses. Every season they talk about this deep, unbreakable bond that they have and how whatever happens to one happens to the other. Well, all of that went out the window. And of course I wanted a romance between them. There were so many signs that led me to believe that was coming and we didn't even get a declaration of love from Crane. Sure, other characters said it, but it means something when it comes from the actual person. 

Overall, I'm very upset with how it ended. It was just one big ball of confusion. I feel like what happened in the episode didn't fit with what happened in the season. Characters weren't acting like themselves, it didn't even feel like the mythology fit with what it was. And I can't go into how I think it should've ended because it hurts too much. I want to stress again how much it pains me to be saying this. I really didn't think it would come to this. I've been so ride or die with the show from the moment it aired and to see it turn out this way is heartbreaking. It hurts to see such an amazing and inspirational character go. Abbie Mills was the African American female lead character of a genre genre show, something we don't see often, and we don't have that anymore. 
I've always said that if Abbie is no longer on the show I will no longer watch. So, if this show comes back for another season I will not be watching. I really do wish Nicole Beharie the best in her future, as well as all the other cast members of the show. 

I want to leave you with the memory of the sweetest moment of the episode for me. The part of the porch scene when Abbie holds out her fist for one final fist bump. Instead Crane takes her hand and kisses it. Then she says "be still me beating heart." 
And now my heart can be still. 

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