Friday, April 3, 2015

Scandal - Honor Thy Father

Well, I can honestly say that I didn't see any of this coming. This episode was so twisty, I wasn't able to predict a thing! Which is good because I can't take predictable episodes.

The White House
Mellie's sister came to the white house for a little visit. First off, we have Melody (Mellie's full name) and Harmony and they have no melody or harmony between them (see what I did there). Second, her visit only made me want to know all of Mellie's secrets. Can we get some flashbacks of Mellie with her parents and what happened there. I feel like that could be coming since she wants to run for president. If they have to vet her sister then they'll have to vet her parents. Wait, do we know that Mellie's parents are alive? I could have missed when they talked about it, so you can tell me if I'm wrong. But I want to see that; who Mellie came from. It would be so interesting to see that family dynamic.
Oh how the tables have turned for Fitz and Mellie. I mean Mellie said it herself, Fitz is/needs to become like the first lady now. He has to do the things that she has been doing for how may years now. He's got to give her all the support she needs and do whatever needs to be done so she can become the president. It'll be so interesting to see how far he'll go to make it happen. We know she did anything and everything to get him into the white house, hence Defiance. But, will he go that far to help her?

Yay for another case of the week! I guess this was the moment when we found out if Liv's gut was still broken or not. I mean, Huck said it himself she was "testing her gut." She knew in her heart of hearts that man didn't kill his daughter's teacher/lover and she was right! No more broken gut. Fixing Liv is back and in full effect! This makes me so happy.
You know what else makes me happy? Seeing Olivia and Abby have friendly conversation. I just had to throw that in there. Their phone conversation really made me smile.

This was the big twist of he night. They lead us to believe that Jake had gone all coo coo for coco puffs and wanted to kill Liv (which he NEVER said in the episode), but in the end he wasn't crazy at all! I still think Jake needs to go though.
My favorite scene of the night came from this storyline. Huck, Quinn, Charlie and David. What a group! Plus the music was on point too.
I want to ask who's in B613 because it seems like everybody is, but the real question should be who isn't in B613. Seriously, you can't trust anybody. And now it looks like Russell or Frank or whatever his name is, is a B613 agent too! From the looks of it he led Papa Pope to Liv. But, I still have hope that he's a good guy. Papa Pope could have still been keeping tabs on Olivia himself and knew that he couldn't walk up to her door without a middle man. He could have had a gun to Russell's back. Call me naive, I don't care.
If he isn't a good guy then I'll really be pissed. I'm going to need for Papa Pope to stop sending in dudes to sleep with Olivia so he can get to her. Sooner or later she's not going to be able to trust any man. As long a Rowan is alive she'll always wonder if he sent this guy her way or not. That makes me upset.

Overall, I'm mad that this episode fooled me but, I liked it because it fooled me. I almost thought I was wrong about Papa Pope making an appearance, but no. I'm also a little mad that we have to wait 2 weeks for a new episode. Why did we have to go back to that?! I mean, we want classic Scandal but not this classic! Olitz might actually be over after the end of the next new episode, but do we really believe that? I don't. See you in 2 weeks.

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