Thursday, June 5, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Sentinels and the mutants are fighting in a terrible war. The  Sentinels are out to destroy all the mutants and any humans that help them. To try and prevent this horrible future from happening, Wolverine is sent back in time to stop the one event that caused it.

My Verdict
I thought this movie was good but I didn't think that it was the best thing ever. I know I'm in the minority here, but I wasn't left thinking "oh my gosh that was amazing!" I was really left in a lackluster mood after watching this. I thought it was predictable and I'm going to talk more about that in the spoilers section so I don't ruin anything for those that haven't seen it.
I will say that the graphics/CGI was great! My problem was just with the storyline. For that, I'm giving this movie a 6/10. This is really disappointing because I like the X-Men. Maybe I should start reading the comics. I think I'll do better with them.

Here was my problem with the plot. We knew they had to stop Raven and that they would stop her or the X-Men would be over and the whole movie would be purposeless. So the ending really wasn't a shock to me at all. It would have been more shocking if they couldn't change the past and the X-Men were gone for good. I know that would be really upsetting because there would be no more X-Men movies, but after seeing this, I would be too upset about that.
I wasn't really interested in this storyline. I was more interested in what happened after they stopped Raven than what happened before. And, I would have loved to know why Dr. Trask wanted to destroy the mutants. It was like he hated them but when asked why he did, he said he didn't. That's confusing to me. If you don't hate mutants why do you want them extinct? Can we explore that a little bit?
I'm going to end on a more positive note. My favorite part was when they found Peter and broke Erik out of the Pentagon.
What did you guys think about this movie? Please tell me I'm not the only one who felt this way.

IMDB page, Pic credit

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