Friday, October 11, 2013

Scandal - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I thought it would be fun but we'll have to see about that. Just a heads up, this will mostly likely be an unorganized rant about last night, so I'm sorry if it jumps around a bit. 
So I was overly ecstatic about the fact that there were flashbacks about Olivia's life!! I have been waiting for this for forever. Every time I thought we would get a snippet into her life and we didn't, I was pissed of, so I was really excited about last night. Their relationship is one HOT MESS!!! It seems like he wants to make her happy, but that comes with a price. Get Huck back, but almost kill Eddison. But she only agreed to marry him because of his job and what it would mean to her dad. And that makes me think that she didn't really want to marry him and her 'I love you' was very unconvincing. And OH MY GOODNESS see Liv take her first sip of REAL wine was like seeing a baby take their first steps!! Okay I think I'm done with the flashbacks. Oh wait, Olivia is NOSEY!!! There Now I'm done. 
What else did I go crazy over last night?? Oh, the presidential sized balls!! I LOVE this Fitz, taking control and everything, letting Cyrus know that he is the commander is chief and has all the power!! It's a nice change from last season where he just sulked in the background and let everyone else make decisions for him. Oh and Mellie, Mellie is evil! Mellie will do whatever she can to keep her political career in tact. She only cares about that. I mean, sure, she fell in love with Fitz after they got married but I think she loves her career more. 
And Tom. Tom is such the perfect little messenger boy. And can we just take a moment to remember that Vermont conversation. I mean there was jam and 4 kids, oh my heart just melted. 
And that Quinn is hilarious!! I love it. I mean, she's crazy but it's funny. And all that that went down with Liv and Huck was crazy!! I did NOT see all that coming!! And Jake's back. (BOO) And he said 'hi' to her!! I just don't know how I feel about that!! 
There's so much more little things that I could mention too. Like when Daddy Pope was talking about fossils, in the flashback, and he was talking about the cousins and how one gets all the glory and the other does all the dirty work. It was something like that but I freaked out when I heard it because it reminded me of their relationship. Another thing is that I still believe her mother isn't dead. Something is just so shady about Rowan/Eli. Like why does he have two names?!! And what the heck is in that dang folder?! What happened? I will not rest until I know!! And Fitz said Jake is known for saving people's lives which makes me wonder if Fitz almost died on that little mission and Jake saved him. 
And oh my gosh next week is going to be INSANE!!! Olivia is going to be in danger and I bet you Fitz will save her. He better because she has a soft spot for people that save her life. I just love this show so much, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have some kind of heart attack or emotional break down or go into a coma or something. I'm not exactly sure how much of this I can handle. My heart is not prepared for this. This show just keeps getting better and better and this is a good thing. I just think my feels with LITERALLY explode! 
Well, this was fun. I guess I'll keep doing it. Have fun with your recovery and prep for next week. 

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