Friday, October 4, 2013

Glee - Tina in the Sky With Diamonds

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So Glee is back with another episode of the Beatles, and it's prom. Now I have to say this first. Having two episodes of Beatles music would have been fine if it wasn't back-to-back. Not even half way through the episode I was like, okay, I need other music now. Like I said last week, I need variety. 
Not that much happened in this episode. Tina got nominated for prom queen, along with Kitty, and went nuts. She turned down Sam's offer to be her date to make her chances of winning better. Kitty even agreed to vote for Tina but, this girl Bree. Bree is some random Cheerio that came out of NOWHERE who basically berated Kitty into really running for prom queen so a Cheerio could win because Cheerios never win. Kitty actually got mad over this and didn't run and tore down all these posters that Bree put up. This pissed Bree off and she decided to pull a Carrie on Tina. That right, she had Tina's assistant drop a bucket of slushee on her head right after she won. But, of course, the glee club was there to run to Tina's rescue, literally clean her up and give her a pep talk to get back out there and accept the crown. She did it, in Kitty's dress! See, Kitty figured it all out right before it happened and I guess she felt bad for not running to Tina's rescue and taking the slushee for her. That made me a little mad. I was hoping she would've done that instead. 
In other news, Sam is super depressed about his love live and ends up crushing over this half of a nurse that Sue hired to vaccinate the school. I said she's half of a nurse because she's not even in nursing school and really doesn't know what she's doing. Sue actually fired her but Sam changed her mind. I'm guessing that's going to be his new girl now? Or at least he's going to try. 
In New York, Rachel is all kinds of upset over that fact that she hasn't heard anything back from Funny Girl. Kurt (who works at the diner now) is there to cheer her up and that gives her the determination to audition for anything and everything. But she doesn't really have to do that because in the end Rachel gets the part. Yay! I knew it. 
Also, Santana booked a commercial for some yeast infection medicine and it was kind of hilarious! She is also crushing over her coworker, Dani (Demi Lovato) and they end up getting together. I didn't know how to feel about the adding of Demi to the cast but now I don't think it was a bad idea. 

That's really all that happened this week. Not too much. It was a bit lackluster and I'm disappointed about it. A couple side notes. I had been waiting for a Smash reference and it finally happened. Coach Roz and Sue are becoming my favorite characters. The both of them are hilarious. Oh and I am NOT even the slightest emotionally ready for next week. Not even sure if I'll review it but I might have a few words so be on the look out.    

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