Tuesday, December 2, 2014

State of Affairs - Pilot & Secrets and Lies

Charlie Tucker (Katherine Heigl) is a former CIA officer who now works as a briefer for the President of the United State, Constance Payton (Alfre Woodard). These two have a personal connection because Charlie used to be engaged to Constance's son, but he was killed by, what it seems, a very powerful terrorist. The events of that night are coming back to haunt her. Someone is ending her messages with information about that night that only she and a few other people know. So she has to deal with that and the day to day problems from her job.

The pilot episode was very intense and started off with a bang. A lot happened and I felt like I needed to watch the episode a second time just to completely get it. The episode was kind of all over the place but the second one was better. This is your typical procedural crime drama show. It looks like in each episode we'll see Charlie and the POTUS dealing with a problem and Charlie will also have to deal with finding the truth about why her fiance was killed.
As of right now it looks like I will continue to watch this show. There is an interesting twist that has me very interested in what will happen this season. Also, there isn't anything else that comes on at that time so there's no conflict with that. And, it's really nice seeing Alfre Woodard play the POTUS. It just makes me so happy. I really want this show to do well and it has the potential to, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Let me know what you guys thought if you watched it.

Full Episodes, Pic credit

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