Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Maze Runner (2014)

Thomas (Dylan O'Brien) wakes up and finds himself in an elevator crate that takes him up to this land without any memory of how he got there or even his name. He is greeted by Ably (Aml Ameen) and many other boys. He quickly finds out they are all trapped on this land and the only way out is through the maze. Thomas helps them as they figure a way out of this place. This is based on the book of the same name.

My Verdict
My first thoughts on this movie were 'wow it's all male, that's different' and I liked how diverse the group was. I liked the beginning, but as it went on it went in a direction that I was not expecting. You could consider that a good thing but there was something missing for me. I don't know if it has anything to with the fact that I didn't read the book or not but something about it fell flat. I think it was the ending, which I will say did a good job of leaving me with questions and making me want to see more. I think one of the things the movie didn't was make me feel really bad for these boys. I mean, I felt bad them, but not bad enough. I think that if they spent more time on the land showing how they're struggling then I would've felt differently. They spent a lot of time in the maze and not enough time showing the boys on the land and what the runners (the people that actually go in the maze) had to go through. I just didn't have this strong feeling in the end to help these boys as compared to my want to help Katniss in her movement in the "Hunger Games" movies.
For this, I'm giving it a 7/10. I did like it and want to see more, but not enough that I'll be flocking to the theater at midnight. I'm guessing I should read the books before I see any more of these movies.

I want to talk a little bit about the WCKD people and the ending. I wish I knew more about them! I want to know what their agenda is. I know they are trying to save the world but why are they putting these boys through these tests and why boys? And why was Teresa the only girl? I really want to hate them like I hate Coin (Hunger Games) and Jeanine (Divergent) but I don't. I wasn't given enough information on them to hate them. And I know I probably shouldn't be comparing this to all the other dystopian YA novel movies but I just don't know another way to describe how I feel. I'd also really like to know why they needed those robot spider things!

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