Thursday, May 15, 2014

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

This is the story of Caesar (Andy Serkis), the ape, how he came to be and how he broke free from being held captive by the humans. Will Rodman (James Franco) created a drug that's supposed to help cure Alzheimer's, and he was using apes to test this drug. Caesar's mom was one of the test apes. The drug ended up making the apes super smart and she passed the drug on to Caesar and it made him even smarter. Unfortunately, Caesar's mom was killed and the testing stopped. Will took Caesar home with him and it wasn't long before Caesar ended up being captured by an animal shelter. The movie goes on to tell the story of Caesar's escape. This can serve as a prequel to "Planet of the Apes" but it's not. officially.

My Verdict
I liked this movie. It really served it's purpose as an original story of "Planet of the Apes" even though it's part of a separate series. I seriously can't wait to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" which comes out July 11th. I actually want to go and watch the original movies that came out way back when.
While watching this movie I was basically on the side of the apes and felt the humans deserved everything they had coming to them. I think the only human I did like was Will and he didn't treat Caesar the best either. I did grow a little more fonder of him by the end. I also can't help but say that his relationship with Caesar wasn't awful. It was like a father and son relationship and you could tell that Will really cared for Caesar. Sure he made his mistakes but the love was still there.
Let's talk about how crazy good the graphics/CGI was. I mean, they really did a good job with this. Those apes looked real. Real, like they took them out of the wild and used them for the movie and we all know that really didn't happen. I was really impressed, but then again it should look good. This is movie is about a bunch of apes. If it didn't look good I'd be like "what the heck were they thinking," especially since it was made in 2011.
So, I'm giving this movie a 9/10. It's really good as a stand alone film but I still wanted more. If I didn't already know about "Dawn..." then I would be campaigning for them to make it. Oh and on warning don't turn it off when the credits roll. Think of it like it's A Marvel movie.

Just a couple spoilers. First off, I knew that the apes would eventually end up talking but I didn't know if they would show that in this film and they did! I was so excited that I screamed when Caesar talked for the first time.
Also, there was a map during the credits and I can't help but think that it's showing how that virus spread from human to human. It's really the only logical explanation. I mean, it could be the spread of the apes, but considering "Dawn..." is coming out I don't think they would have them spread that fast. I mean, we need to see how they took over the earth. Well, I want to see how they took over the earth and I wouldn't like if they skipped that. That's one of the things that I really want to see.

IMDB page, Pic credit

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