Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Switched at Birth - Mother and Child Divided

Switched at Birth is finally back and it's already really different.
Since Regina left, Daphne has been living with the Kennish's and basically has become one of them. Bay is the only one upset with the whole arrangement. She's still pissed at Daphne about the whole kissing Noah thing and now they both hate each other. Yup, all this over a guy. I know, really stupid. 
Because of some 'first day of summer' tradition she and Daphne have, Regina thinks that it would be a good idea to leave rehab early. EPIC FAIL. Her surprise was not taken well. Everyone just seemed more shocked than happy and everything was SUPER awkward. On top of that Daphne is super pissed that she left. So much yelling. So much awkwardness. This prompted Regina to move into Angelo's place so she can deal with the real world. 
Toby and Nikki are still engaged and it looks like they will be getting married, but not without Kathryn taking everything over completely. But Nikki would not let that happen without saying something. That whole things was wonderful. Finally someone not afraid to tell them that spend a crap load of money is not always the right thing to do. I loved it and it's nice to know that she has a backbone. 
Also there is some serious parental issues going on. John and Kathryn are acting like Daphne's real parents now and Bay and Regina want to spend more time together. I predict another switch in the future. The girls are definitely going to live with their bio parents this season. 
The, supposed, surprise of the night is Ty coming back, but it wasn't very shocking. See, he's been back for months now and for some reason didn't let anyone know. And that whole fight seen wasn't as great and intense as I thought it would be. It does seem like Bay may want to get back together with him but I think she needs to stay off guys for a little while. It's looking like she just bounces from guy to guy and is never really by herself. 
Lastly, John never fails to be John and get on my nerves. I guess that's just his character and I'm going to have to get used to it. I also think he doesn't like being a senator. We'll see how long that'll last. 
Well, I'm really excited to see what this season will bring and I hope we start finding out a lot more about Angelo and the baby and what's going on with that. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. 

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