Friday, March 22, 2013

Glee - Guilty Pleasures

"Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone." It's guilty pleasure week! I must be honest. For the first 10 minutes I just sat there, speechless, wondering what I was witnessing. I mean there was macaroni faces and 80's clothing. I was like what the heck! Oh and then there was that boyfriend arm thing!! I was beginning to think that this guilty pleasure idea was not good. I had enough of it. But that all changed thank to Kitty. Once she shared her guilty pleasure things got better. Her's was the Spice Girls! Now who doesn't love the Spice Girls? No one. All the girls (and Wade/Unique) shared the same feelings which prompted them to do a Spice Girls number; "Wannabee." And I'm pretty sure that performance made Kitty seem a little more attractive to Arty. He definitely likes her. Sharing guilty pleasures seemed like a good idea at first. Sam shared his love for Barry Manilow which was also shared by all the other guys (even Jake which is odd to me). The only person that got trouble for his guilty pleasure was Jake. At first he wanted to do a Chris Brown song but the girls, especially Marley, went crazy. I must admit that he did present a good case for his choice. Liking Chris Brown was obviously something that he didn't want to and shouldn't share with the group, and they do sing a lot of songs by people who aren't the best role models. I had to agree with him on that. But, sadly, he changed his mind and sang a Bobby Brown song; "My Prerogative." It got me up dancing and I thought it was great, but it wasn't. No one liked it because Bobby Brown allegedly got Whitney Houston hooked on drugs. This kid can't win. Marley was pissed again but, like always, they made up after about 5 seconds. I'm still mad he didn't sing Chris Brown. 
Oh yeah. Blaine finally confessed his love for Sam and they're still friends. 
As for the boyfriend arm, that's Kurt's guilty pleasure. I rather not speak much more on that because it's just too weird. So, Santana is still living with Rachel and Kurt but now she has to play rent ('bout time!"). And it looks like she and Kurt have a new found friendship. She told Kurt all about Brody and he believes her. Now Rachel's the only one that doesn't know her ex is a man whore, but that doesn't last long. Santana just goes right out and tells her because Rachel was acting like they would get back together. NO. No x 10. Rachel needs to stay far far away from the gigolo. But she goes to him, with money, and asked for a date. HA! That was the best thing ever! Hilarious. Then they sang "Creep" which was perfect. 
The episode ended with both groups singing "Mamma Mia."
Overall this was a great episode. I loved their guilty pleasures, and I realized that I have no guilty pleasures. Is that weird? I guess I'm not ashamed of anything. And we have to wait another 3 weeks to see a new episode so I'll see you then.  

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