Friday, April 12, 2013

Glee - Shooting Star

Glee is back!! This entire episode takes place at McKinley High. So, it starts with the group getting ready for regionals. Brittany comes in to tell everyone that a meteor asteroid thing is headed for Earth and will kill them all. So Will takes advantage of this and make the theme of the week was last chance. Brittany uses this chance to tell her cat how much she loves him. Sam actually got the whole group together to help her sing a song to it. That's just a little too weird for me. Another weird confession: Coach Beiste likes Will. Super awkward and kind of ridiculous. Ryder also uses the theme to confront the girl who, he thinks, is catfishing him. He sings "Your Song" to this Katie girl only to realize that he's not singing to Katie at all. Someone used this girls picture to talk to Ryder and be anonymous. He goes on somewhat of a war path trying to find out who the real person is, blaming everyone from Kitty to Jake to Marley (who is probably incapable of doing anything of the sort). He even plans to officially meet this person. Yikes! Becky has a touching moment with Brittany, confessing that she is scared of the real world. I teared up, but the next thing I know the unthinkable happens. 
Gun shots! The glee club was meeting and next thing you know a gun goes off; twice. The next 10 or 15 minutes were the most intense moments of my TV watching life and that's saying a lot because I watch Scandal. The glee club locks themselves in the room and hides and waits. Everyone is crying and scared and no one knows what's going on. To make it worse Tina and Brittany aren't there. So, Sam goes nuts trying to leave the room to go find Brittany. Eventually will goes to find her and some other who hid in the bathroom. We also see that Tina got out of the school with the rest of the students. In these moments Kitty confessed to Marley about how she made her think she was getting fat and Ryder called his catfisher and surprisingly a phone in the room went off. Artie also took the time to film everyone saying their last words. After some time the all clear was given and they were allowed to leave. At this point I think I entered a state of shock. I was tearing up and shaking the entire time. I was really speechless after everything. I must say that all of the actors did an amazing job. 
Afterwards came some confusion. Sue confessed to shooting the gun!!! It really made no sense what so ever. Of all people it was Sue?! And she gets fired!! But we see that it was actually Becky who brought in the gun and accidentally shot it off. I wasn't too surprised at this. All she wanted to do was protect herself from this world that she's so very scared of. It was extremely sad. 
Overall, like I said before, this episode was intense. To comment a little on the controversy of it; I didn't think it was bad. As we see in the news, school shootings happen and this show tackles issues that happen in the real world. They tackled suicide and texting while driving so it's not really a a shock that they would tackle school shootings. Compared to another show that I've watched that tackled the same issue, this episode was a lot easier to watch. No one got hurt. It was a bad portrayal at all, and this was one of Glee's better episodes. I just want to know if Sue will return. What would the show be without her? I hope she still is seen. Also, Ryder never met the person and I wonder if he ever will. I kind of hope the person get revealed only because it's really going to bug me. Well, until next week.

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