Friday, April 18, 2014

Scandal - The Price of Free and Fair Election

This season finale was crazy! There were twist and turns left and right. Things happened that I never expected, but in the end I was satisfied.

The Grants
Fitz knows, so they can heal. He may not have found out the way I wanted him to but he needed to know. I know this will change the course of their relationship. Will he leave her eventually, I don't know, but I'd rather see them mutually agree to break up than one leave for reasons that aren't true. They really need to decide together what their next step is going to be. 

I've pretty much ignored this because the triangle was getting on my nerves but I have to address it now. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm team 'Olivia be alone for a while' and I would've loved for Liv to get on that plane alone. I'm always here for that. I'm mad and I'm not mad she left. She needs to be alone to take care of herself and focus on her without having to deal with other people. But, she didn't go alone and that make me angry. Jake makes me angry. I mean he loves her and wants to be with her but I don't think she will ever be all in with him, and I think he needs to go find someone that will be all in with him. I'd rather see him happy with someone who fully loves him than see him with Olivia who, I think, is still unsure.
For those who are mad she isn't with Fitz, Olitz is not the show. There's so much more that makes it amazing. Just because they're not together, now, doesn't mean the show is awful and you should keep watching. And, I mean, isn't this how it always is for them in the season finales? That's why I'm in it for the long haul. It's like Whitley and Dwayne. We all knew they were going to end up together but it didn't happen until the series was almost over. Sorry, whenever I think of couples that are meant to be but aren't together yet I think of them. 

The Ending
It wasn't an obvious cliffhanger but it was there. Like, I want to know what happens next but ... I don't know how to describe it. It's like they made it that way just in case they didn't get picked up for another season. Like there was just enough closure that some people could be content but, not enough for others, me, to not be content and want more. I don't if that makes sense but that's what it seemed like to me.
I'm actually satisfied with it all. Liv finally realized she needs fixing which I'm happy about that. She tries to fix everyone's lives but neglects her own. It makes me so happy that she realized that she needs to work on herself before she can help anyone else. I just with it was her an Iyanla on that plane instead of Jake. But I'm not mad. I'm strangely content. I was mad for like 30 seconds but I'm over it. We actually have no idea what will happen next (with the Jake thing), all we can do is assume. We can't get mad over our assumptions because it could go in any direction. 
OPA being gone; yeah right they're on a break. I refuse to think that OPA is done for good. 
Mama Pope's in the whole. I didn't know that until I watched it a second time. That's all I have to say about that.
We wanted Rowan to live and now we're paying the cost. Our viewpoints of people are constantly changing and that's very clear in Rowan's case. I think he did what he did for power alone. All he cares about is being command. All he knows is being command and I don't think he can live if he's not doing that. 
That ending on the plane reminded me of the ending of the graduate when they were on the bus after they got married, which is why I think Liv is unsure about Jake. But, I won't say anymore about that. 
They crammed so much into this episode but it didn't seem like it. In others, so much happened that you almost couldn't keep up but that wasn't the case here. I don't know how they did it but they're brilliant. 

The season overall
It got better and better every week. I have never loved the writers and actors more than I do know. They really stepped their game up and I love it. I can't wait to see where season 4 takes us.

Season 4 predictions
I don't care if they haven't announced it yet it's going to happen. I'm giving up on trying to make serious predictions so here's what I want to see. More OPA cases. In The Writers Room twitter chat SR said that that's what they're working in season 4. (OPA will survive!) 
I've heard people talk about a presidential divorce and how they want it so much that now I actually want to see it happen. 
Well, it's been fun Gladiators. See you next season. Hope you survive the wait. 

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