Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

Okay, so , yes, of course I was skeptical about watching this. It's because it was another remake and of Romeo and Juliet?!?!?!?!? I don't like Shakespeare!!!!! But, my sister said that it was funny so I decided to watch it, so I did.
I LOVED IT!!!! I mean, it was so much better than the original Romeo and Juliet. gnomes are kinda creep, but I loved them. Especially the little blue one with the big hat!!! Oh, and the flamingo was so funny..."I'M PINK!!!!!!" Loved him!!!!
Oh my gosh, though...they really surprised you a bunch of times in this movie. They really faked you out!!! I was like about to cry at one point and then two seconds later, I was happy. But, I did like that.
The frog; Nanette, she was SO funny. Oh my goodness..."your love is doomed, your love is dead..." LOL
This, again is a movie for kids that everyone will enjoy.
I must say, if you haven't seen this grab your kid, little brother or sister or cousin and GO!!!!

The A-Team

OH MY GOSH THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! There was so much shooting and blowing up of things and oh my gosh it was insane!!!!
When I saw that this was coming out I was like this is a guy movie and I had no intention of seeing it. But, I thought it was pretty good. I was a little confused at some points and should probably watch it again, but overall, it was good.
I thought it was funny and I loved how B.A. was afraid of flying and how pissed he got when they tricked him into it.
The first hour of the movie was just background information and I don't think it was necessary for it to be that long. I mean I know they had to introduce everyone, but did it have to take a whole hour for them to do it??
I wonder how much like the original show this movie is? I've never seen it, but it always interest me how much the remake sticks to the original. I guess I have to start watching the show to find out.
So, I think this is a good movie, not an amazing one, but good. I would only watch it again so I could be less confused, but probably not just, because. If I did, it would have to be with a big group of people, not with just one other person.
Recommend this for people who like to see things blow up a lot.

Despicable Me

I had been wanting to see this movie for the longest time and now I've finally seen it and it was HILARIOUS!!!!
I loved how it wasn't your normal hero vs. villain movie; it was villain against villain. I was hooked from the moment Dr. Gru made the kid a balloon animal and popped it!! My favorite part of the whole movie was when they went to the amusement park and he got the girl her stuffed unicorn. Oh and the minions were great, too and the dance seen at the end.
And of course, there was a moral to the story and the villain went from evil to good.
Overall, this was another one of those movies that was supposed to be for kids and a bunch of people over the age of 18 loved it.
My favorite line were "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!" and "He can't do it if he's, but it's true"<--about the dog.
I loved this movie and recommend everyone to see it; young and old.   

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Secret Life of the American Teenager

Oh Secret Life. I don't know what to think about this show. I used to like this show, now I just don't know.
So this episode... I actually feel bad for Ashley. She has no friends and she's like the neglected middle child. I think all she wants is attention.
I thought it was hilarious how stupid Ricky was. How did not figure out his mom was a lesbian??!?!??! And because of it he didn't want to let her meet her grandson!?!?!?! That's doesn't make any sense to me. But I'm happy that he eventually let them meet...after all his lies.
Jack is really starting to get on my nerves. He just annoys me. I don't understand why he's working so hard to get these girls that don't want him.
Now on to Ben and Adrian... how in the world are they in love??? What Grace said was right; she should not be in love with someone just because he's there. It doesn't make any sense to me. And so he proposed to her AGAIN!! And she says yes?!?!?!? Really!!!!??!?!?
I don't understand these kids. Ummm, this is high school so why are you so quick to fall in love and get married when you haven't even lived in 2 decades yet??? High school is not your life. Hopefully you'll go to college and then find someone to marry, but not in high school, when you're 15/16 years old. And why are their parents letting them ruin their life????
I don't know, I don't know.
Oh and if I see one more person on this show from 7th Heaven, I'm done!!! I'll never watch again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

17 Again

This is NOT to be confused with the Seventeen Again here
This IS the 17 Again here

So I must say that I was totally against seeing this movie because there are two an no one talked about the first one. But my friends convinced me to watch it.
I have to admit that this was a pretty good movie. The acting was good. I think Zac Efron did a good job at playing an older person in a younger person's body. I loved Ned Gold and the principal's relationship. I thought it was cute how he tried so hard and then they both ended up finding out that they are obsessed with Star Wars. I loved their dinner scene.There were many awkward moments and I love Awkward moments because they're so hilarious!!! I think those were the best parts.
I liked the moral of this movie. All fathers should watch this film, especially if they feel their relationship with their children is fading away.
One thing I didn't like, which was something my friend brought up, was that the mother wasn't around for somethings. But, I guess she was around more than the father was.
Overall, I liked this movie, but I must say that I like the original better, and they should of given that some credit because that's were they got the general idea from.