Friday, August 12, 2016

Stranger Things (Netflix)

Stranger Things takes place in a small town in the 80's. Will Byers goes missing and immediately after that a girl (Eleven/El) appears in town. So the search is on to find Will. His 3 friends (Lucas, Mike and Dustin), mom and brother are the only people who believe that Will's out there, somewhere, alive.
If you like mystery/sci-fi/adventure/government conspiracy cover up/secret lab testing on humans/other universe type shows, this one's for you. I'm definitely attracted to those types of shows, so I loved it! The acting was so good and the kids did a fantastic job. I am definitely a fan and hope that it gets picked up for a second season. If it does, I have a few predictions and questions that can be explored next season.

This is NOT a spoiler free zone so finish watching before reading this section.
  1. I'm pretty sure Eleven is coming back - The chief was bringing food to an area in the woods for her. The box was empty so this was either; his first time doing this or El was taking the food. Also, when she defeated the monster she just disappeared. I think that she either got sucked into the upside down or became the monster.
  2. Will we find out about the other people that have been experimented on - There were 10 others before this and the lab hasn't been shut down. So will these people come out and if so, do they have abilities, too? Will there be a 12?
  3. Is Will turning into a monster - He did spit up a slug and it seems like this has happened before. So is he becoming another monster or is this just a side effect of the upside down? Also, that flash of the upside down that we saw; was that his PTSD? Is he breaking down the barier between his world and the upside down?
  4. The campaign the boys were playing at the end had some clues for next season in it - There was a new monster and Will defeats it and the other boys help bring the monster to the king. My guess is that another monster is coming from the upside down and Will is the only one that can defeat it. That monster could be El. Who's the king? Well it has to be someone of power and I don't think this person believes that the upside down exist. So maybe next season expand outside of this small town. The boys have to bring proof of existence (the head) to this person. 
So those are my questions and predictions. What do you guys think will happen if there's a season 2? Let me know.

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