Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sleepy Hollow Update

We are 4 episodes and I've been asked to do an update, so let's get into it! I'm going to start with some general stuff and then get into the specifics.
I still stand by my statement that if you haven't watched this show before, this is the season you can jump into and feel like you've missed nothing. So with that being said, if you have any friends that haven't watched and don't feel like watching the first 2 seasons, they don't have to. But, there are callbacks to the previous seasons that those of us who did watch will appreciate.
Now for the overarching story, I think this is just one big set up for something HUGE and I don't think it's going to happen until the fall/winter finale. I think it's going to be about this tablet prophesy and I hope we find out more about the tablet and Pandora's agenda before the fall finale. Right now, we don't know any more than we did in the premiere and I'm hoping that changes. I don't know if it's just me, but it's driving me insane that we don't have the tablet completely translated. All we know is that Abbie and Crane are the "Destroyers", but of what and/or whom, I don't know. I need more information on this.
Now on to some specifics.

The Good

  • Pandora: She is the best villain on this show. Better than Headless, better than Henry/War, better than Moloch. I don't know where they found this actress but she is killing this role. I like to describe Pandora as pleasantly evil. I think I'm going to be a little sad when they defeat her. Is that weird?
  • Team Witness: As I was watching last week's episode (The Sisters Mills), I was sitting there thinking "I really love Team Witness." I mean, I know that Jenny and Joe have their own side story going on but I loved it when the whole crew got together and solved a case. I hope we see more of this. 
  • It's funny: I forgot how funny this show can be. I think it lost it's comedy in season 2, but it's back now. I haven't laughed out loud like I have been this season since season 1. 
  • Ichabbie cannon maybe: I have a feeling that this might actually happen. I mean, they already act married and they're living together. It's only a matter of time before one of them says "I love you" without thinking about, and then they'll be forced to think about it. Also, the show runner talks about them like they're going to get together. And, everybody ships it. I think it would be smart if they moved in that direction. 

The Bad

  • Betsy: I've thought long and hard about what her purpose might be and I've come up with nothing. I hope that someone can come up with something that will change my mind. Right now, I'd rather see the adventures of Grace Dixon than watch this. I mean, they read about the stuff that happened to her in her journal but wouldn't it be nice if we actually got to see it? I really hope they fix this because it could really bring down the series.
  • Abbie needs love: It has recently come to my attention that Abbie is the only one if our OG's (Crane, Jenny) that hasn't been kissed! This angers me. Like, we have all these women fawning over Crane, Jenny had Hawley, when is Abbie going to get some of that good loving? 

The Ugly

  • The Tooth Fairy: I'm so glad that we finally got a scary monster. The monster in the premiere was a little scary, then we had a shadow. Then we didn't even have a monster, we had a weapon which would've been cool if it went from person to person. But finally we got something creepy. And I will never watch that episode in the dark ever again! 
So, that's how I'm feeling about Sleepy Hollow thus far. I think that if they fix the bad this could be a really great season. I'm actually getting a little excited about this Bones crossover. Let's hope it's the epic event that they're making it out to be.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

2015 Fall Premieres Part 4: Jane the Virgin

The only show that's able to make me cry and laugh in the same minute is back, doing what it does best; making me cry and laugh in the same minute! We come back right where season 1 left off and find out what happened to Mateo and he comes home! I'm so glad they did that all in the beginning of the episode because I don't think my heart could take Mateo being gone for longer.
From what I gather Jane is still on the fence about whether she wants to be with Michael or Raphael and I don't know who I want her to be with. I like them both and would probably be happy with whatever she chooses, as long as she's happy. 
Petra is just as crazy as ever! I'm shocked, but not shocked that she inseminated herself with the rest of Rafael's sperm. It doesn't look like this is going to go easy for her at all, especially with that assistant guy who knows she stole the sperm. 
I really just wonder who that woman was at the end. It can't be Sin Rostro because her hair is different, but mainly because she's not speaking in English. But, I guess anything can happen in this show. 
This was a good start to the season. I'm just really glad that it's back in my life and I can't wait to go on the crazy ride every week. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

2015 Fall premieres Part 3: The Flash

So The Flash is finally back and I'm so happy. This entire episode was basically a set up for the new big bad and the season, which is usually what the first episode to a new season is. They could've started right when they left off but they decided to do a 6 month time jump. Now, I could be upset about this but that 6 months was filled with a lot of grieving and I'm not sure I would've wanted to see that. I didn't think this episode was the greatest thing ever, but it was a good start.

What I liked
  • Iris working in STAR Labs, Iris and Cisco having more scenes together, just more Iris all around. I'm so excited about this. I need more Iris on my TV.
  • Cisco being Cisco and vibing. (I really need his Flash Day shirt!)
  • I just love the new STAR Labs team. 
  • I'm excited about Jay Garrick even though I just read up on him after the season finale.
  • Papa Allen finally got out of jail and that really pulled on my heart strings, but ...
What I didn't like
  • Papa Allen is leaving! I really don't understand what they're doing here. They bring him out of jail just to have him skip town. What is the purpose of this?! And think about it; this has to be EXTREMELY heartbreaking for Barry. He's been waiting for over a decade to have his father back and once it happens, he leaves. Yes, Barry has a family with Joe and Iris but he'll never have anything close to the type of relationship he has with Joe with his own father! Then they use the excuse of Barry not being about to do his job as The Flash with his father around. I'm calling BS! What kind of an excuse is that?! Barry having his father around, I think, would only help him do his job better. I guess we'll just have to see how this goes. 
One question I did have is is Ronnie really dead? One thing I know is that if we don't see a body then how can we be sure that person is dead. Plus, the singularity opened up a portal between the 2 worlds (spoiler alert) so how do we know that Ronnie didn't just get sucked in the portal and is walking around world 2 somewhere? We shall see.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

2015 Fall Premieres Part 2

There's really no need for me to wait until the second episode because I'm already hooked on this show! This entire show is one big mystery and I can't wait to start to solve it. My only concern is what will happen when the mystery is solved. How will they keep this show going once they figure it out? I really want this show to be on the air for a long time so I hope they figure out a way to give it some longevity.

Minority Report
So after 2 episodes I can say that I am totally here for this show. This poses a problem because once Jane the Virgin starts I'm going to have to choose which one I'll live tweet. Either way, I'll be watching both on Monday night so I'll probably just tweet them both whether it's live or not.

This will definitely be a show that I watch only because I have nothing else to watch at this time and because the show I really want to watch comes on after. I'm sorry but I couldn't even force myself to halfway pay attention and I forgot that I was live tweeting during the show. Honestly, this could've been my first new show casualty if there was something better on at this time. I'll keep watching as long as that's the case, but I'm not looking around for anything to catch up on and watch in its place.

Sleepy Hollow
Well, well, well, it looks like we might actually have our show back! By back, I mean back to the magic that was season 1 and not the confusion that was season 2. Abbie and Crane are back to being Abbie and Crane; together and the core of the show. We got a lot of Jenny being the BAMF that she is. We also got an awesome new villain, Pandora. There was humor, history, and intense action which is what I fell in love with when the pilot aired. Unfortunately, I have to keep a close eye on this show because it has a history of really strong beginnings and then spiraling downhill. (This is what happens when you have trust issues) After reading interviews from the new show runner and seeing the direction (I think) he wants it to go, I have high hopes. Just don't want them crushed. So I'll still be live tweeting every week (sorry Scandal) if you want follow along in all the craziness.

Honorable Mentions

  • Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.:  Not sure if I included this on my list of returning shows, but I decided to watch it this past Tuesday and I think I'll keep watch live from now on. I watched about half of the first season live and then binged the rest of the show on Netflix. I was just going to wait and do that again but no.
  • Grey's Anatomy: April was hilarious in her little bubble, but she and Jackson are breaking my heart. I love Bailey as chief and go Mer for getting promoted to chief of general surgery!