Thursday, June 12, 2014

Skyfall (2012)

MI6 is under attack and M (Judi Dench) is in danger. The only person she trusts to handle the situation is Bond (Daniel Craig). Now Bond must do whatever it takes to stop this threat.

My Verdict
So this was my first Bond movie and after watching, I don't think I am a Bond movie person. I just didn't like it. I like action movies but I didn't like this one. There wasn't enough twists for me. There was one shocking part that I'll talk about in the Spoiler section, but that was it! Also, it dragged on to me and was boring. It took too long for them to get to the point of the film. I just sat there for most the film hoping that the ending would come and then something else would happen to delay it. Honestly, the only reason why I kept watching was because I wanted to see what the ending would be, and I wasn't pleased with it either.
Lastly, some of the fights looked choreographed, and I know they are but I'm not supposed to be able to tell. I'm giving this movie a 4/10 and that 4 is from the ONE twist and all the shooting and explosions.
If you've seen this movie please tell me if you felt the same or different.

First, let's talk about the beginning when Bond died but wasn't really dead. That through me for a loop and I was shocked at that and that was it. Nothing else really shocked me after that except for the end.
The whole point of this movie was to find out who was leaking information and to keep M from dying. But, in the end she still died! So, to me, that makes the whole movie purposeless! All of the killing and blowing up things and running they did didn't matter because in the end the one person that was supposed to stay alive died! That made me so angry. I think I would have felt differently about the ending if the rest of the movie was interesting, but sadly it wasn't.

IMDB page, Pic credt

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