Monday, March 4, 2013

Switched at Birth - Uprising

The all ASL episode is finally here and it was great. I do wish that I was fluent in ASL, though, so I didn't have to keep switching from reading the subtitles to their faces. 
I love 'Take Back Carlton.' I love it when people actually stand up for their rights instead of just letting stuff happen, and I loved that Daphne was the leader. I knew that Bay was going to find a way to figure out what they were doing. And, I am shocked that she pulled the fire alarm but she had to do it. And, I have to that that Bay is amazing! I loved that she was there to support Carlton and Daphne, especially with that whole phone thing. They didn't need that loser anyways. I'm just surprised that Daphne doesn't really know how she feels about letting the hearing kids stay or not. I thought that she, of all people, would agree to let even the kids from the pilot program stay. I mean, she was hearing and has hearing parents. She knows how important it is for hearing people to understand what deaf people go through. Well, I guess we just have to wait and see what happens in the finale. 
Now on to the other shocking things that happened. First off, I can NOT believe Regina was passed out drunk on the sofa like that. I have no idea what she was going to do; I really hoped that she started going back to her meetings but I guess I was wrong. And now that Daphne knows, she really needs to get her stuff together and fast because the Kenish's don't seem like people that will just let this slide. They probably will try and get custody of Daphne and Bay. Second, Noah is one shady dude. He definitely like Daphne. He was just looking for an excuse to kiss her. And it seemed like she liked it and that's not cool. I;m back to not liking Noah again. And I'm back to not liking John again. Of course he was the main one that wanted to bust down the door and pull them out. 
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought I was going to cry at the beginning when they were reminiscing about good times. I think that they should have an episode like this at least once a season. I hope they keep doing this. And I can't wait until next weeks finale!!! It looks like it's going to be explosive! I feel like everything is going to blow up in our faces! Oh and guess what ... we've just witnessed history guys. Be happy  and remember this moment. 

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