Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Season Finale Update: The Flash

That finale! I think me and everyone other fan figured out how they would save Iris by the time the penultimate episode was over. So, there wasn't anything shocking about that. I think the most shocking and best part, for me, was when Iris shot SaviBarry.
When Barry walked into the Speed Force my first thought was "Oh wow! They're really doing this!" I know that Barry can't be The Flash forever and would eventually pass the torch but I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon. (If that's what's really happening.) Then I felt anger and sadness because Iris didn't get her happy ending! And that was it. Even after watching it a second time I felt the same way.

Now this season was interesting.
  • The Good
    • IRIS ANN WEST! This season was all about her and I love it! I'm obsessed with that fact that everyone dropped everything to do all that they could to keep this wonderful Black woman alive. HR sacrificed his life for her. And, at the end of the day she was the ultimate hero! If the name changes from 'The Flash' to 'The Iris West Show' I won't be mad!
    • There were some great Westallen goodies. I especially liked the musical episode and the one when Barry lost his memories. Overall, it's been great watching them grow as a couple. 
    • Cynthia was a great addition to the cast and I hope she sticks around for next season. 
    • Wally becoming Kid Flash. 
  • The Bad
    • Savitar being Barry. I'm mostly upset by this because this is the third time the villain has been someone close to and trusted by the team. Also, my brain still can't comprehend how there was a version of Barry that wanted to kill Iris. It just doesn't make any sense to me.
    • The predictability. It's never fun or shocking or interesting when I can predict what's going to happen. 
    • The end of the finale. Did Jay really need to be busted out of the speed force?!
  • The Ugly
    • My face when I yelled at the TV each week.
    • Having to watch Iris die over and over and over...
I have a few thoughts on next season. Savitar has been erased from existence so does that mean Wally loses his speed? And if he doesn't we are going to need a really good explanation for it. 
This may be an unpopular opinion but I am absolutely fine with having Barry gone for a good part of the first half of the season. The team is in a completely different place from before. Caitlyn/Killer Frost is gone. Barry is gone. Star Labs is gone. It would be interesting to see how everyone not only copes but moves forward with all this. I wouldn't mind seeing everyone doing their own thing for a little bit. Let Wally finish school. Let Iris do more reporting.
I also want it to be hard for them to figure out how to get Barry back, if they are the ones to figure it out. (He may get out on his own.) I don't want it to be this long drawn out this that ends being super simple in the end either.
And lastly, if Barry does get out and isn't gone forever, let him and Iris have a happy ending that lasts! I'm over them being separated in the finale! This has happened three times and that's more than enough.
Well, I'll see yall next season.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Season Finale Update: Jane the Virgin

That finale was a whirlwind! So many ups and downs. I laughed, cried, yelled a bit, too. Xo and Ro FINALLY got married and I am so happy!
After all this time of Rose being on the run the time they catch her, she's innocent! I couldn't believe that!
Luisa and Aneska teaming up is the best worst idea ever. Part of me wants to see them working together more because it would be hilarious but the other part of me doesn't because they are dangerous!
We finally met Adam! That fake out though! I really thought that it would be Rafael out on the deck.

This has been one crazy season! Now that I think about it, a lot happened. Michael got shot and didn't die, but then he did die and we jumped 3 years into the future (so does that mean it's 2020?). All these old relationships rekindled but then fizzled out. It was crazy and I loved it!
The one thing that shocked me the most was when they killed Michael. I really didn't think they would ever do that. After all that they've been through I really thought they would live out their happily ever after.
As for next season, I really can't predict anything but I do have one theory. I think that Jane and Rafael are going to end up like Rogelio and Xiomara. It just hit me when both couples were dancing next to each other at the wedding. Mateo went from his parents to his grandparents and I just thought of the parallels between the two couples. You can mark my words, and if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But, if I'm right, remember where you read it first.
Alright, until next time. And remember, it'll be on Fridays next season.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Season Finale Update: Scandal

That was one crazy, twisty finale! I didn't see any of it coming. Mama Pope's return was EPIC!! Her performance in the jail cell was master level acting and Khandi Alexander deserves an Emmy just for that!
I was shocked when it was reveled that Luna Vargas was behind her own husband's shooting! She was the last person on my suspect list. But, technically, Cyrus was really behind it. My one question; is Luna really dead? Liv told Cyrus that she wasn't so what kind of game is she playing?
I love that OPA is back together with Quinn in charge. She came full circle this season!
And Liv is command! I don't know how to feel about this because it could either go really bad or really well. Hoping for the latter.
I think I'm the only person who wished this finale was the series finale. So many storylines that over-arched each season closed and I just don't know how they can start new ones with only one season left. I also always thought the series would end once Fitz left office.

I enjoyed this season. The "what if" episode was one of my favorites.
Throughout this whole season part me thought that Liv was either the mastermind behind the whole shooting or that she was slowly becoming her father. I can't believe that one of those things actually happened!
Next season will definitely be an interesting one. We'll get a glimpse of Mellie's white house, Quinn's OPA (should we still be calling it that?), and Liv's B613! (Yay for women being in the highest positions of power!) Also, is Fitz going to be seen at all this season or is he gone for good? And what will that final episode be? Will Fitz and Liv finally be together forever or not?
We shall see.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Season Finale Update: Grey's Anatomy

Okay now THAT was a Grey's finale! There was a tragedy, things got super intense, and then there was a game changing ending. That is what I'm used to seeing with Grey's and I don't think we've had a finale like this in a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an awful person who wishes awful things like this to happen. But to me, it's not a Grey's finale if it isn't tragic.
I am sad to see Stephanie go, but at least she went out like a boss! And I'm also happy that that little girl (who is like little Mer 2.0) survived too.
I can't say I was upset when Minnick got fired. I never liked her and it became very obvious in this episode that she does not fit in with the Grey's crew. Just look at the difference between her reaction to hearing Stephanie was missing and Jackson's. Bailey was right with what she said about her.
I'm not mad that Maggie and Jackson's relationship may be explored. It's time for Maggie to have a relationship with someone who isn't an intern or already taken. Jackson is a good guy and it looks like April's not going to be jealous, so why not. (And no, they are NOT siblings. Let's not have that argument.)

I definitely like the second half of this season better than the first. It just took too long for us to find out Alex's fate. There were some great episodes like the one that took place in the prison and the series of episodes about Maggie and her mom. Those were so well done.
Well, I can't wait to see what this show does next. See ya then!

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Season Finale Update: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This was another great finale! It made me so happy that they brought Robbie back for this episode, which brought together the 2 halves of the season. (Anyone else feel like they were watching 2 different seasons?)
Can we talk about the ending! One, who were those people that showed up in the diner and what was that contraption they were using? It made me think they were still in the framework! Two, is our team in space now because that's where it looked like Phil woke up!? If that's true then we'll be in for one interesting season. I just hope that if they are in space, they do not stay there for the entire season, unless they're on a different planet. I could be okay with that.

Now the season as a whole was fantastic. I think they did a really good job building up the darkhold and Aida. I wish they didn't stay in the framework for as long as they did, but in the end it all worked out. I think this show does an amazing job with their villains and Mallory Jansen did an awesome job as Aida. This show continues to get better and better with each season. (Although, season 2 will always be my favorite.) I will be right there for season 5, but it will be such a long wait! The only great thing about that is that there will be no breaks. So we get the whole season straight through!
Seen yall in 2018!

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Season Finale Update: Rosewood

This finale was probably the best episode of the season. It was so intense and I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time. That ending was rough, though. I don't think that any of us wanted Marcos to be bad news, but deep down knew something shady was going on with him. It's a shame he was in as deep as he was. TMI and Pippy finally tied the not, I just wish we could've seen Pippy actually walk down the aisle in that dress from season 1.
Now on to Rosie and Villa. First off, the "will they, won't they" of their relationship had fallen by the waste side for most of the season. It wasn't until the penultimate when people started mistaking them for a couple again. So, I had a feeling that this conversation would end with a cliffhanger, but I still screamed! Rosie should've said something! And Villa, the fact that she asked that question is just proof to me that didn't want to go in the first place. They frustrate me so much, I can't even deal!

This season was great! I really wondered how they were going to step their game up and I think they did that. Every episode got better an better as the season went along. Each case had so many twist and turns I had a hard time figuring out who did it! I have no idea what to say about next season other than I hope it happens. The wait to find out if we do get another season will be unbearable, so let's keep our fingers crossed!

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Season Finale Update: Outsiders

There is one word to describe this season, yes season, finale; wild. The Farrells were fed up and decided to strike but that didn't work and that was no surprise. I understand that they wanted and needed to fight for their home, but they weren't a match for what was down below.
The ending scene on the mountain was the most intense part. That whole banishment, or should I say non-banishment, ceremony/new brenin ceremony was nuts. I was completely shocked when G'win said Lil Foster should be brenin. And then when he just broke the stick! I thought that he was going to bring peace to his family, but I guess not.
Also, Hasil is hurt and on the verge of death and Sally Ann doesn't even know!

This season was so good. I really liked all the storylines, except the Kinnah one.
The fact that we might not get another season really upsets me. How can they give a Sasil baby and then not let us see it?! How are they going to put Wade in jail and not the guy from One Planet?! And how are they going to leave the Farrells in disarray and not show us what happens next?! There are so many more questions I have and probably never get the answers.
Many people are coming together and tweeting #ShayMustStay at WGN with reasons why. There's also a petition, here, that you can sign. Maybe the power of the fans can keep this show alive.

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