Thursday, August 4, 2011


Wow, last episode was ummm I don't know.
I'm shocked that Clare is losing her faith which she fought hard for, but I'm not surprised she's losing it.
I feel like this is gonna be the season of break ups and new relationships. Everyone is hanging around people that aren't their significant others. They're probably gonna break up and get with the other person.
I just wanna know if anything else is gonna happen to Drew. I mean is that whole gang thing over?? That was one of the most interesting parts of the show.
Well the story lines I like the most are Anya's and Clare's. Wonder what's gonna happen tonight.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I don't really have much to say. This episode was not what I expected. It was very cool to hear what Christina actually felt about her life right now and what her past was like, but there wasn't enough drama for me. I was really shocked by the ending. I guess I didn't expect Tom to ask for a divorce so soon but I wasn't shocked when Christina blew him off.
I really just don't want them to get a divorce because I don't like that Renata dude and I hope Christina takes that job, but I have a feeling I won't be able to predict anything.
Can't wait til next week, hopefully they'll be more drama.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I always think that I'm too old to watch this show but I just can't stop. So this new season is crazy. Imogen is nuts. Now on to the recent episode. Anya is losing control. I predict a downward spiral, then rehab, then she'll get her life together; I hope. I feel like Owen is good for her.
Okay, moving on ... Connor is a freak!!!! Glad he finally got caught and is finally getting help for his problem.
Oh Fiona and her little fling. I had a feeling it wasn't going to last.

I honestly don't know which story line I like the most. I'm really interested in what's  going to happen with Eli and Claire, and Anya. This show just gets better and better as time goes on.

Yes, something's different

Yes the site is totally different now. Sorry for not posting but I've decided to start posting again. Here are some post to come:
Transformers 3
X Men First Class
And many more.
I will be attending a film fest all this weekend so there will be post about each movie they show.
Can't wait!!!!1